September 20, 2017

Wedding Tips: Our Day

Guys! B and I have officially married for 4 months (as of last Wednesday)! I can't believe how fast it's gone. To be honest, that's how I've felt over the last 9 years we've been together, so I'm glad to see that married life has continued this trend. Today's post I want to recap our day. My experiences and advice can be found in all the "Wedding Tips" posts over the last year. So if you are looking for a specific topic, please look back at the specific post, which will go into more details that I will here (links at the end of this post).

One question that I get all the time is: does being married feel any different than before? Yes and no, which to be honest, I was a little surprised by. As I mentioned here, we got married on our 9 year anniversary. We've def put in some time before saying "I do" which means we've had blissful times, and we've had boring times; we've had hard times and we've had easy times. But calling him my husband when he comes up in conversations is so cool! And not that I had any doubt before, but something about promising your love and making it legal makes it feel that much more solid than it was before. It's almost like an extra layer of protection, but it feels magical. (Too cheesy? #sorrynotsorry)

The day as a whole was truly magic. I honestly can't remember another time in my life where I was just surrounded by so much love and happiness (even when I found out later that not everyone was equally as blissful). Leading up to the ceremony my nerves were very strong, but the second I saw B when we did our first look, I just felt calm and excited. He wasn't even facing me!

As set up and preparations continued before guests came, I didn't even care if all the decorations were in place. Which I was a shocked that my control freak/OCD side wasn't loosing it. To be honest I think I was so tired/excited/nervous/happy/in love/over the moon that I didn't have enough in me to think about how everything looked. But all of the stress, money and planning from the past year and a half was totally worth it. I wouldn't have changed a thing about our day (except for maybe the moving the rain back an hour, but what can ya do?)

May 13, 2017 was hands down the best day of my life. Not only was I surrounded by most of my favorite people in the world, I promised my love and self to my best friend. I've never been more excited for our future together.

Newly Engaged // Getting your Ideas Together // Guest List // Organizing your Planning // Bridesmaids & Groomsmen // Traditions // Finding your Dress // Showers, Jack & Jills, and Everything in between // Wedding Bands // Registry // Honeymoon Registry // Bridal Shower 1, 2 // Invitations 1, 2 // My Bachelorette Party // Bridal Shower Thank Yous // Honeymoon Locations 1, 2 // Hair & Makeup // Guest Book // Seating Chart // Flowers // Details // Vows // Dances // Gifts // Room Blocks &Transportation // Tips


  1. I really understand when you say making it "legal" adds a very special dimension to your relationship. That was our experience too. Your wedding was a very magical and happy time for us and we were so thrilled to be there with you and B and your and our family. 💗

  2. I was totally shocked with "making it legal" changing the dimension! I didn't think it would matter, but it did/does have an impact. We're so glad you both were able to make it! It really was a magical day <3
