May 03, 2017

Wedding Tips: Hair and Makeup

If you are going to get your hair and or makeup done for your big day, there are a few things you should know and do before this all happens. Here are a few things that I learned while planning what I am going to do:

1. Do your research: By this I mean look into many different hair salons to compare pricing and flexibility.  Also search different hair and makeup styles and bring pictures with you to show the hair stylist and makeup artist. An actual picture can be a lot more helpful than “ya know, this part’s up, and curls then does a thing….”

2. Think of questions to ask when narrowing down places to get these done. For example: Is there a fee to come to our wedding site/place I’m staying? How many hairstylists will you need if I have X amount of bridesmaids/people getting their hair done?

3. If you can’t afford to get it done or pay for everyone, then don’t. I personally, as much as I would love to, can’t afford to pay for all my girls to get their hair done. I was honest and told them upfront about it and each of us has decided we’d all pay for our own. And originally I was going to do my own makeup to save costs that way. But the closer it gets, I decided to get my makeup done too, so I can feel really pampered on the day. But again, we’re all paying for our own. If this is the case for you, just make sure to be upfront with everyone involved. Some of the people in your party may be able to do their own, or can’t afford it, and it’s really important to be mindful of this. It’s your day, but this doesn’t mean they have to break the bank over it.

4. Be sure to tip. Every person has a different idea on if you should tip for the trial or just your big day, so it’s mainly up to you. But one piece of advice I got was to tip like you would if you were just getting your regular trim. They are working on your hair after all. But this of course isn’t the standard. If you can’t or don’t want to leave a tip, be sure to at least leave a glowing review on whatever websites you found them on.

Much like every other part of the wedding planning process, this will require some work on your end before you can enjoy being pampered. You don’t want to rush into picking someone you don’t really like, but once you find the right one, enjoy!

*all pictures are from Pinterst

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