August 24, 2016

Wedding Tips: So You're Newly Engaged

First of all, if you are newly engaged (or even if it's been a while): Congratulations!!!
Regardless of how long it has been had you noticed that everyone and their mom have advice for you? Yup, it's a thing. And this post is going to give even more unsolicited advice, so if you're sick of it already, then please come back tomorrow or check out my other awesome posts!

If you're still reading, then here are the most basic starting points for planning your wedding that I've learned from my own engagement with B.

No matter where you are in your planning stages, the most important thing to remember is that this whole thing is about you and your partner. This is about the love you two have for one another, and ultimately it's a big party to celebrate this love. And much like Cinderella, your coach will turn into a pumpkin at midnight. But since you've just married your prince (or princess) you're prob pulling up to your castle to live happily ever after (*chores still included).

That being said, it is about and for the two of you and others are going to give you advice (*coughthispostcough*), but if it doesn't feel right to you and your partner then don't do it! In this day and age there really are no rules anyone has to follow (except if you want the legal benefits, you do need to fill out that paperwork). If you want to wear a hot pink wedding dress, rock it gurl!! Lucky for us brides right?

Since there is so much more freedom for us brides, there are tons of places you can go to get ideas on themes, research vendors, or even DIY. My fav so far is definitely The Knot. But there is also Wedding Wire, Pinterest, Etsy, Facebook and even just Google. I will go more into the perks of each of these next Wednesday, so stay tuned for more on those!

Even if the first thing you do after he (or she) asks for your hand in marriage is to go on Pinterest, the next thing should be to set a date. This will certainly be the number one question you are asked until more planning starts taking place. Do not get dead set on one specific day. Once you choose a venue, that day may not be available, so make sure you are flexible. The best thing would be to choose the time of year and even the month, but leave the specific day to what's open. The only way I could see a specific day being available would be if you book a venue reallllly early. That's what B and I have done and we got the day we wanted!

The last preliminary thing that really should be done before anything else is to set a budget. This is probably the hardest, most boring and frustrating thing to make a decision on because who doesn't want to go all out for your wedding? But since the cost of a wedding could easily equal a down payment on a house, it is vital to set a budget within your means; one that does not include loans of any kind including accumulating crazy credit card debit (a balance you can't pay off within 1 billing cycle), which will derail/delay your future housing dreams. Here are some of the best tips I've found to help B and me (here and here).

So here are my most basic starting points for you new brides. These may be really simple and even seem a little obvious, but they're all worth noting. And esp as the planning goes on, you may need reminders. Stay tuned for more of my tips and my experiences!

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