September 07, 2016

Wedding Tips: Getting your Ideas

As I mentioned in last week's post, there are tons of places brides and grooms can obtain information on all things wedding related. With each resource providing an abundance of ideas, tips and suggested vendors, the possibilities are literally endless.

There are a few places that I have used the most that I want to share with you because some of them are not the most traditional places to search. But don't worry; I do include some that are pretty well known too.

My fav so far is definitely The Knot. They have sooo many tips, articles, and vendors from all over the country that they endorse. You can also create favorites boards to get all your ideas together. The website on a traditional computer/laptop is good, but I def recommend using the app. It's really great for the on-the-go bride. It's free in the Apple store and for ISO. My fav parts about the app are the countdown to my day and the checklist. The countdown is a reminder of how much (or little) time is left to plan, but it totally gets me ampt when I see the number drop even lower. 248 days to go! My second fav part, as I mentioned, is the checklist. This list has every major and minor thing you may want to book or plan and when you should start researching or booking. We are doing a lot of non-traditional things and our venue is taking care of food, cake and flowers, so right away I was able to check a lot off the list. And let me tell you, it felt really good to "check them off" even if I simply wasn't doing them or they were taken care of because of my venue. They really are as good as advertised!

Next is Pinterest (is this really a surprise?). You can search anything and I promise others have too. At this point I've put together boards for each different thing I'm working on. I have portrait ideas, wedding dress ideas, bridal shower ideas, and literally everything else you can think of. I know I haven't really said a lot about it, but if you can't tell by my Pinspiration posts, Pinterest is basically a Google that you can save the content onto specific files at that site. But you already know that don't you? ;)

Another really great place for ideas is Facebook. I know, I was surprised by this too, but there are actual local groups out there where people are selling their stuff, or they've used vendors in your area, and can give suggestions/recommendations. On the few that I've found, brides are selling everything from wedding dresses to center pieces and everything in between. And if you ask for suggestions on who to use for  photography or where your venue should be or even how to handle those family members who are "going rouge", there are plenty of people who will comment to try and help. It's really nice how everyone seems to be looking out for each other and everyone just wants to help.

For me The Knot, Pinterest and Facebook really were all I needed. Of course when it comes to booking vendors I did a lot of researching by looking at their websites and comparing them to each other. When push comes to shove, it really came down to price and what was offered. We really don't want to settle for a service that isn't satisfying what we're looking for. What would be the point of that?

Stay tuned for more Wedding Tips to come!

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