January 03, 2018

2018 Goals

I have this weird thing of not calling New Years Resolutions what they are. I like to just call them Goals. Maybe it's superstition, maybe I'm just weird...the jury is still out. You can read a little more about it here.


Last year my focus was on getting more healthy. To be honest, it took me until about July to actually start that. And I wasn't consistent, I was great for a while, then we moved and the holidays came...excuse, excuse, excuse. You know how to story goes.

So this year will be very similar (sorry this is cheating a little). I want to get into more of a consistent workout schedule. I was so close to getting this down, but then we moved and all the excuses built up in my head. But now that the holidays are over, all I want is to get into some sort of routine, and this is the perfect time to get back into it.

Another part of my goal is to eat healthier. I've come to learn that B and I area actually pretty good (for the most part) with what he cooks. And I've been trying different lunches out during the week which is also helping. So what am I going to work on in 2018? I want to take on some of the cooking (B def does all of it right now, and yes I am SO lucky!). There are a few recipes I've found on Pinterest that I'm really interested in trying out, so I think I just need to go for it. Stay tuned for what I try out this year!

So that's really it. It doesn't sound like much, but I don't want to overwhelm myself with a long list of things. I felt really good about the progress I made last year and am really focusing on making it a consistent, routine in my life. Of course there are other things I want to work on, but for now, this is what I'm going to focus on.

How about you? Any goals for 2018?


  1. Good luck with your goals, Jen. For my part, like you, just trying to eat healthfully and keep to an exercise routine.

    1. Good luck to you as well! It's really not as easy and I wish it was! :)
