January 13, 2017

Goals for the Year Ahead

I can be a pretty superstitious person.  It’s always random things, but I feel better taking certain “precautions”. One thing that I am pretty superstitious about is New Year’s Resolutions. To me, using the phrase just means it’s something I won’t do. Which is why this post is titled “Goals for 2017”. I know it’s totally in my head, but using goal instead of resolution, I have a better chance of actually accomplishing the task. Resolutions after all are just goals.

So now that I’ve explained one weird thing about me, I want you to know that I do actually make goals for each new year. They are never anything too big or out of reach. I do want to set myself up to succeed! Two years ago my goals were to read more books and to spend more time with friends and family. I have done both, but didn’t stop once the year was done. For me, these goals are ways for me to improve myself overall. 

So what are my goals for 2017? This year I really want to focus on my physical health. I know this is the most popular resolution, but I’m not saying I’m going to spend 6 days a week at the gym (I know myself, that’s def not happening).  My goal with this is to eat healthier meals, I have a major sweat tooth, so this will be a challenge for me. I want to learn better options to cook at home and to choose when eating out. Both of these are equally important because I travel so much for work, I eat out a LOT! And when I get home my cooking skills are pretty non-existent. 

The other piece of this is yes, I do want to work out a bit. I’ve always needed my workouts to be “hidden” (for example: Zumba or playing a sport). So I do want to sign up for a gym (that I can access anywhere on the East Coast), and I want to try out different classes. At the moment I’m interested in Spin, Zumba and Yoga. But if any of you have suggestions, let me know!

So those are my goals for 2017. I didn’t want to choose too many things to try and focus on in the next year, so I limited myself to one. But I think this is a pretty big one. Stay tuned for updates and adjustments as I figure out what does and doesn’t work for me.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions/Goals?


  1. I didn't make any resolutions because, typically, I just blow them almost instantly! Instead, I figure, everyday, I'll make an effort to try and be my best self, knowing sometimes I will come shining through while on other occasions I'll fall far short of my goal. I guess, therefore, I don't put a lot of faith in resolutions, but, hey, that's just what I've found works for me! Good luck, Jen; you have some reachable and positive goals ahead of you! I'm cheering you on!

  2. Well that's def why these are goals and not resolutions! haha I agree, these are normally the thing I want to focus on improving in my life and not just for the year. Stay tuned for updates!
