June 06, 2018

Summer Bucket List

Even though the summer solstice isn't until the end of the month, it feels like summer is slowly coming! Yes, we still have cooler days, but the warm day remind me, it's just around the corner. And it makes me soooo happy!

Summer is the easiest time for me to come up with fun things for B, my friends and I to do. I'm pretty sure we're all already booked through the summer with fun things...and I can't wait to get started.

Despite all the plans that we have in the next couple of months, here's a few things I try to do every summer, and a couple of new things I'd love to do:

Things I love to do every year:
Beach- living in Massachusetts, we're really close to the ocean. There are so many places to go from Maine to Connecticut for the day or for a long weekend.

Is there anything prettier?

Wineries/Breweries- there are so many wineries and breweries here, we really have a ton of options! My favorite thing to do is hang out with a couple of beers or a bottle of wine and my besties and our boys.

Day Trips-New England is filled with a few small states. It's so easy to go from Rhode Island to Maine (and back if you really wanted to) in one day. And there is really a lot to do here, so picking a spot and exploring for the day is really fun!

Portland, ME. It's super pretty, and ONLY about 2.5 hours from me!

Things I want to try this summer:
Bonfire-my first summer home from college, my best friend invited me to a bonfire. We never really did them at my house or with my friends growing up, so this was so new for me. And it was so fun! Ever since I've been dying to do another one. It's a great excuse to hang out, outside after the sun goes down, with great company. Who doesn't want that?

Isn't this the cutest setup??

Farmers Markets- I love fruits and veggies. Is that weird? Regardless, I do, and I keep hearing about how fresh and great Farmers Markets are. I would love to check one out, but we've never really lived close to any. I think this is the summer where I finally find one and go weekly until the season ends!

Look at those colors!!

Pick fruit-I'm not sure about most of the country, but here there are a lot of "Pick Your Own" farms for fruits, veggies, pumpkins, tulips, etc. I've been pretty consistent about apples, but not so much about everything else. I think this is the year (first one since I was little) that I want to go strawberry picking. The prime time is June here, so I better pick a weekend soon!

Doesn't that look go yummy?! And fun?

What fun things do you do every summer? Anything new you want to try this year?

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