September 01, 2017

Fall Bucket List

Even though last week I wrote about the last few things that I want to do this summer, I have also started planning what I want to do this fall (I’m a multi-tasker, what can I say?). Living in New England, we have 4 full seasons here (although, summer did feel very short this year…just sayin…), so there’s always something different to do. As much as I’d love to go to the beach year round, I would def freeze my buns off in January, that I think I’ll pass!

So what sort of fun things am I planning to do this fall?

1. Apple picking—I mean really, is this a surprise?

2. Make an apple pie- #1 and 2 really just go hand in hand
3. Go pumpkin picking
4. Carve pumpkins

No, I don't think my pumpkin will turn out like these two pictures, but these pumpkins from the Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular at the Roger Williams Zoo in RI are amazing!

5. Drink cider
6. Oktoberfest
7. Host a Friendsgiving
8. Watch Halloween movies

9. Go {all the way} thru a corn maze
10. Go to a football game -preferably the Patriots, but 😱 those prices! 

What sort of things are you looking forward to this fall?


  1. In Arizona it's summer staight to October with temps still in triple digits. But by October it will begin to cool down. We intend to go to the Grand Canyon at the end of Oct to celebrate Sandy's birthday.Begin hiking again locally too.

  2. Wow!! That's insane! One month to go for you then. Grand Canyon is beautiful, and you can hike down too, so that should be fun! Just remember going down is easy, but you have to go back up too! :)
