August 31, 2016

Travel Tips: Smoother Airport Experience

I've been very lucky, to have traveled a lot in my lifetime. If you follow me on Instagram, my selfies are mostly taken in front of hotel mirrors, so you know I travel a LOT for my day job. But even before that I've seen a lot of this little world of ours, and, I think to some extent, I will always be bitten by the travel bug.

Now that my friends and I are getting older and we've started travelling on our own, I'm realizing that not everyone is familiar with what I would consider to be "travel basics", so, I've put together a list of five things that make travelling easier.

1. Pack Light
             When I say pack light, I mean 1-2 bags (including your carry-on), especially if you are travelling alone. I mean you only have so many hands! Also, something to keep in mind is that you WILL buy things wherever you go, and you're going to need space to bring it all back home! In terms of actual weight, airlines restrict how heavy your bags can be anyway, so keeping it a little lighter will help avoid extra fees. But how can you really know if your suitcases meet or exceed this weight limit before arriving at the airport? Here are 2 options:
              a. Buy a luggage scale. Like anything, they can range in price. But I found mine at Marshalls for $9.99! No more stressing about suitcase weights!
              b. Use a bathroom scale. Depending on how small your suitcase is, you can place it directly on the scale. If it's a bigger suitcase you'll have to get creative. By that I mean: weigh yourself while holding the suitcase and then once again without it; the difference equals the weight of the suitcase --- if you're not a frequent flyer, this option probably makes the most sense. 

Here's my luggage scale (similar, similar, similar)

2. To check your bag, or not to check your bag
               Having to pay to bring your things with you on a trip is prob the worst. But if you are going to bring a suitcase that isn't classified as a carry-on, please don't waste everyone's time arguing with the attendant at the gate about how you know it will fit in the overhead compartment. Just don't.

3. Slip-on shoes are your friend
                I feel like most people get that when you go through TSA, you're going to have to take off your shoes. And yes the thought of walking barefoot on the airport floor is enough to make anyone want to avoid air travel altogether! So shoes that are easy to slip on and off are certainly still a must! I like wearing flats with peds so I'm not walking directly on the bare floor, plus, I don't have to worry about laces.

Photo credit:
Other similar styles can be found here and here

4. Bring snacks, buy drinks
                 Travelling can be very expensive. So why would you want to spend more than you have to on a candy bar at the airport shop? Bring some small snacks from home and save $$$. But remember, SMALL snacks! Most flights are only a couple of hours long. If you're travelling internationally, the airline will supply a meal. Unfortunately, the one thing you will have to buy is beverages. You win some, you lose some.

5. Things to do
                   If you don't mind staring into space or if you can sleep on a plane then you can disregard this step. But for the rest of us, we need things to occupy our minds. I like to bring a book or download games on my phone or iPod (yes, I still use mine). This step is crucial if you are travelling with children of any age. As an adult I get bored on a multi-hour trip if I don't have something to do, so imagine how a child feels. The younger the child the more you're going to have to bring to occupy them. Some things you could pack are coloring books and crayons, small toys, iPad/iPod/Tablet/smartphone with games or shows. And please don't just pack food and expect that to be enough! They WILL get full, and/or you may likely run out of snacks not that long into the flight.

Photo credit

These are just a few of the things that I have learned recently that I think make travelling a little easier, and I hope they help you on your next trip!

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