January 01, 2019

High Heels and Hot Glue

What a year 2018 was! Personally it was very exciting, globally, it was a dumpster fire. Very conflicting, and I have to say, I'm glad it's over. So far, Ben and I have planned a pretty low key 2019, but anything can happen, so stay tuned!

As I think back on 2018, I can't help but also think back to the origins of Hello, Darlings. When I started Hello, Darlings in 2015, I was looking for a creative outlet for me to be able to play with my ever evolving style and to give me an excuse to make all the DIYs I've found on Pinterst. I had written for a blog with my four best friends right after we graduated college, but we had stopped working on it when everyone got busy with our new post-grad lives. And it felt like something was missing.

Enter Hello, Darlings Blog. I really missed working on a blog, but I wasn't ready to commit to certain topics. On the blog I wrote with my friends, I literally wrote about whatever interested me that week. Which was often old movies because I had just started watching any and all old movies I could get my hands on. The name Hello, Darlings is actually a nod to the classic movies I had seen and the ones I was planning on watching. Whenever the two main character changed from disliking one another to having a crush, they use the pet name "darling". And I thought adding "Hello" was a very welcoming name for a blog. But let's be honest, it is a really vague title.

From my very first post on Hello, Darlings!

The job I was working when I set up Hello, Darlings had odd hours, which made it very difficult to get into a routine. It was also right before the holidays, which is the busiest time of year (aka less free time than normal). But I really missed working on a blog, and I knew that even if I only posted once a month, at least I would be working on one again.

Engaged! 12.24.15
In the middle of the holiday craze, and only a few months after setting it up, Ben proposed and I started a new job. Talk about major changes really fast!  My new job needed me to travel every week. This meant a LOT of down time in hotel rooms, by my self. Of course a lot of time was spent researching vendors for our wedding. But as I planned more and more for our wedding, I wanted to document what I discovered and tricks I picked up on. So I started posting again. And let me tell you, I loved it! I had so many ideas and so much time to write. It felt good.

The amount of times I post in a week (or month because there have definitely been weeks I've missed) may have fluctuated in the two years since I've really started working on Hello, Darlings. And my topics and interests have definitely evolved. I still love working on DIYs I find on Pinterest, and I'm getting more "brave" in trying outfits I may never have thought about wearing in the past. I did turn 30 this year and can't get away with some of the styles I used to wear in high school or college (which let's be honest, is for the best).

So why all the reminiscing? Well, I've wanted to take my hobby a little more serious for a while now. And I've finally made the leap to switch blog hosting sites to make a blog that really fit my vision. I've learned so much using Blogger, and I feel I've really developed as a blogger. But I've felt like I've out grown Hello, Darlings and the Blogger platform. So I would like to introduce you to my new blog: High Heels and Hot Glue!

On HH&HG I will continue to post my style journey and all those DIYs I've found, hence the name. I think this name is far better suited for the content I post the most. 😁 But don't worry, this won't restrict the content either. I may even bring back old movie reviews occasionally for old times sake!

What does this mean for Hello, Darlings? The old posts will remain here for a little while longer, while I transition them over to HH&HG. Once I finish this move (which is HUGE btw!), all the old posts will be archived on HH&HG and I will shut down Hello, Darlings on Blogger. I'm sad to say goodbye to Hello, Darlings, but I'm very excited for this new chapter. I hope to see you at High Heels & Hot Glue!

Here's a direct link to my new site: High Heels & Hot Glue

Thank you all so much for your support over the last 3 years and for your support in the future!

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