May 31, 2018

Yellow Stripe Lace-Up Tank

Have you ever bought something online in order to get the free shipping? Oh, you haven't...yea me either...

JK, that's 100% what this top was. I bought a couple of Christmas gifts during the holidays and were close enough that I really only needed another $5! So why not just peak at the clearance section and see what's there. Maybe a cheapy cute workout top? Well as luck would have it I found this tank. At the time, I did not think I would post about it here, I figured it was something easy to throw on when hanging around or running errands.

As you may know by now, I have a little crush on lace up tops. And maybe it's the stripes, but it feels somewhat nautical to me (even though the stripes are yellow). Loving the beach as much as I do, this is a welcomed look. Since I wasn't planning on trying to dress it up at all, so far all I've worn with it is my dark jeans and my tan and white sandals. It's super easy, but way more cute than I expected it to be. What a fun surprise!

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