February 09, 2018

Book Review: In Retrospect

In Retrospect by Ellen Larson is hands down is my favorite of all time (excluding the Harry Potter series. They're in a class all their own). I know this is a big statement to make, but it's been a few years since I read it the first time and I'm still blown away by the twist and turns. I didn't know what to expect when I randomly stumbled upon it at the library, but I'm so glad I picked it up (and then wasn't able to put it down).

So what is it about?
It takes place in 3324, where a truly destructive war had just ended. The main character, Merit Rafi, was a rebel on the loosing side of the newly ended war. Part of her sentence is to investigate the murder of a General Zane, a person she would have gladly assassinated herself. Merit uses time-travel technology to solve this murder, but she quickly learns things are not all that they seem.

I really cannot say enough good things about this book. Whenever anyone asks for a recommendation, it's my go-to. Because I literally picked it up and started reading it without any idea what it was about, I didn't know where it was going for a while. But as I've mentioned, it was such a happy chance, I didn't mind the journey. Too cheesy? So worth it!

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