November 01, 2017

Purging Your Closet

Every major season change (winter to spring/summer and summer to fall/winter) I try to get rid of items in my closet that I know I will not wear anymore. I may not always get rid of a lot, but I always try to at least get rid of something that’s just taking up space. Does anyone else get a weird sentimental attachment to clothing? But only when you’re trying to part with it right? Luckily my sister and I have an agreement that we ask each other if the other wants it before we donate it, which normally results in us passing something back and forth a few times before agreeing it’s time to let it go. It’s almost like a little safety net to ease us into saying “goodbye” to an old item.

But what do you do if you don’t have a little system like my sister and I? Sometimes, you just have to make a hard decision. Well, B and I are actually moving at the end of the month and are currently in the process of purging EVERYTHING. We’ve realized that in the four short years we’ve lived in our current apt, we’ve accumulated A LOT of things that we never use. How does this happen?!

So how do I judge when it’s officially time to say goodbye to something? I ask myself a few questions:
1.       When was the last time I used this?
This can be really tricky, especially if it’s been a while. Half the time I can’t even remember and that’s my sign it’s time to let it go. Or at least ask if my sister wants it.
2.       Do I have any plans to use this in the near future?
Be honest. Are you really going to wear those heels because they were super cheap when you got them?
3.       Am I actually going to use it when I think I will?
Can you re-purpose it into something else…will you ever actually re-purpose it?
4.       Do I have space to store it?
This is key, because if it’s just going to be moved from space to space around your home, it’s not worth it. You can always get something like it when/if you have more space later in life.
5.       Is it a family heirloom?
This is probably the exception to the above questions. Family items are different because there’s history connected to it. This is definitely an area where I would encourage you to ask around many family members to see if anyone wants it. And maybe even holding onto it for any of the kids to have when they’re older might not hurt either.
Letting go of things that you’ve had for a while can be very difficult for reasons you may not even understand. But it’s important to let things go once they’ve run their course in your life. And I absolutely recommend donating to any organization. There are always people in need that will greatly appreciate your purged items.


Not sure where to donate? Here are a few great places. Some will even come pick it up at your place, which is great esp if it’s furniture and you don’t have a truck to load it into!

Salvation Army
Big Brother, Big Sister
Good Will
Here's a great article with a bunch of national and local places too

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