November 14, 2016


I have a confession: the first few bloggers I saw wearing ponchos, I thought they had unfolded their blanket scarves. Embarrassing, I know. Luckily I figured it out and even bought this one from Old Navy for myself. Since it's not actually a shirt or sweater, I wasn't sure how warm it would be. But let me tell you, it is soo warm! I wore it on a cooler day, and ended up being a little hot! So I know it'll be perfect for even colder days.

Please ignore my wrinkles, I was clearly excited to wear it!

When I went into Old Navy, they only had two different colors/patterns. This one and a black and white one. I tend to gravitate to color so naturally I chose this one. Since navy is pretty dominant in this one, I chose to pair it with dark denim and a navy long-sleeved tee. The poncho really has all the pattern and extra flair for a simple outfit, I didn't need anything else.

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