September 09, 2016

How to transition your Wardrobe to Fall

By this time in the year you can def feel the change from summer to fall happening. It may not be cold every day, but it's also not hot. Nights are cooler and days are getting shorter.

Living in NE, I know all too well how cold it can get, and how to dress for anything. Have you experienced sun, then rain, then snow in one day? It's not fun, especially if you're not dressed for it.

So here are my tips for embracing the colder weather, while keeping in mind it still may reach the 80s in the same day:

1. Layers
This is probably the most obvious and important step. If the weather person is predicting it could hit 80, but the morning while you're getting ready for work it's only 50, layers will be a saving grace. Tanks under sweater, leggings or tights under skirts or dresses and scarves are the easiest way to achieve this.

Even though it ended up being really hot this day, I didn't want to take my scarf off!

Me and VJ wearing our layers before a Red Sox game a few falls ago.

2. Leave a Trail
Sometimes the weather can take an unexpected turn that no one saw coming. Sometimes the weather outside if beautiful, but the office still has the AC pumping like it's 90 out. My best solution for this is leave a trail. Have an extra sweater or scarf at your desk or in your car. Have an umbrella in your car, and maybe even extra rain gear (which comes in handy in snowy weather). That way during the transition months (and even into the cold weather), you are always prepared.

3. Embrace wearing sweaters and boot/booties
Some years this is really hard for me. Summer may have been really hot or simply wonderful and I just don't want it to end. I've always enjoyed warmer weather so I have no problem with the heat, but since I still live in MA I still have to put up with winter.

B and I embracing warm hoodies and sweaters.

Well there you have it. A few simple things that I do to transition from summer into fall! What sort of things do you do to prep for the change of season?

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